by Moira M. Malcolm

JIMS campaign

Justice for Innocent Men Scotland (JIMS)

The drive to get rape conviction stats up

For many years Scottish Government ministers have shown a relentless determination to convict more men of sexual offences. By weaponising Moorov’s doctrine, “rape shield” legislation and removing any chance of a fair trial for those accused, Dorothy Bain KC and her cabinet colleagues have succeeded in jailing more men for sexual offences!


Scottish Prisons are now overflowing with accused imprisoned on remand for 2/3 years for starters then convicted of rape ON THE BACK OF BEING TRIED IN A KANGAROO COURT.

This is not just a lone wolf opinion – it is the opinion of The Law Society in Scotland and Faculty of Advocate who intervened in support of two men both appealing rape convictions. They argued, in the UK Supreme Court in London, that Article 6 (Right to a Fair Trial) of the ECHR had been breached.

Dorothy’s not for turning

When solicitors and advocates point out to Dorothy Bain KC ARTICLE 6 is being breached in rape cases she ruthlessly cracks on closing more loop hole to prevent the truth emerging of what really happened.

She recently succeeded in changing a 78-year rule in regards to corroboration to enable more rape cases to reach court. A Victims, Witnesses, and Justice Reform (Scotland) Bill is currently making its way through parliament which intends to create separate Sexual Offences Courts (so many prosecutions are expected), and do away with the “not proven” verdict. Dorothy Bain KC is also a great proponent of single judge, juryless rape trials. It looks like she won’t stop until every man in Scotland the police choose to target is jailed for sexual offences = because a verbal claim will do and consent can be withdraw retrospectively.

Jury trials

Scotland is the only country in the world to convict the accused and impose high custodial sentences on a slim margin. This can be as low as 8/7 which shows almost half the jury has reasonable doubt as to whether the accused is guilty.

In England a larger margin of 10/2 is required to convict. Campaigners argue this too is unfair and that for a jury to full-fill its intended function the jury decision should be unanimous.

In Canada and America jury decisions have to be unanimous.

No separation of powers

Despite what is claimed, the Lord Advocate of Scotland, Dorothy Bain KC does NOT act independently of the Scottish Government. She acts as a lapdog for it and is part of it! She lobbied for legislative and procedural changes in relation to sexual offences which have led to innocent men and their families being terrorised. This is not an exaggeration.